After years of CFIB advocacy, The Canadian Free Trade Agreement (CFTA) was signed July 1, 2017, by all provinces, territories and the federal government. The CFTA replaced the dated and ineffective Agreement on Internal Trade. The purpose of the new agreement is to reduce and eliminate barriers to the free movement of people, goods, services and investments within the country.

The State of Internal Trade:
Canada’s Interprovincial Cooperation Report Card - 2023

To mark the sixth anniversary of the Canada Free Trade Agreement, CFIB created a new report card to grade government progress on internal trade. The report grades governments in three areas:

  • exceptions to the CFTA
  • select barriers to internal trade
  • implementation status of reconciliation agreements

Image of 1. a truck 2. port 3. a package being delivered 4. hands holding trade time series

How much progress has been made on internal trade?

  • July 1, 2023 marked the 6th anniversary of the CFTA. While some progress has been made under the agreement, there is much more to be done to make a difference for Canadian businesses and consumers. CFIB is holding governments to account to ensure progress continues.
  • Pictured: Laura Jones, CFIB’s Executive Vice-President presents Canada’s trade ministers the Golden Scissors Award for the signing of the new Canada Free Trade Agreement (CFTA) in July 2017.
CFIB presents trade ministers with Golden Scissors Award

Recent Media Releases

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  • Media Releases

Enough excuses: Council of Federation must take bolder action to remove internal trade barriers

Council of the Federation meeting is the perfect opportunity for bold and decisive action on internal trade

Provinces and Feds challenged to ensure Canadian Free Trade Agreement reduces red tape

Five priorities to achieve free trade success within Canada

CFIB celebrates new era of open trade among provinces

Golden Scissors award recognizes Alberta and Nova Scotia for innovative red tape reduction

Five years into Canada Free Trade Agreement, too many barriers remain

Business owner’s perspectives on internal trade

Breaking Down Barriers

Progress on Labour Mobility

Alberta government awarded Golden Scissors for Bill 49 – The Labour Mobility Act. The new legislation

  • Makes it easier to recognize out of province certification for over 100 professional occupations
  • Legislates a timeline of 20 days for registration decisions
  • First of its kind in Canada
Alberta government officials and CFIB representatives holding the Golden Scissors award